Hegelian Dialectic: What it is & How it works

"Hegelian Dialectic" (Thesis - Antithesis - Synthesis)
Use of an undesirable event against a particular group in an effort to coerce a predetermined response that would otherwise not be considered or acceptable before such an event.
The main agenda is to control and unjustly influence a person or group of people. In order to do this, false flag operations are often utilized, which often scare layman into inadvertent compliance, and consequently, reduce civil liberties over time. The point is to collect and transfer all the power and control from the unwitting mass of the people, and reappropriate and redistribute the power to the ruling class.
A Hegelian Dialectic is a form of mind control that plays on people's fears. Because it leverages this human emotion and the mind in such a way, it is often an indefensible attack. Those who fall victim to such treachery often never even know of such aggressions.
As long as people remain ignorant about Hegelian Dialectics, and the willingness of state politicians to use it, those who seek to use them will largely remain undetected, hidden from retaliation and with an unfair advantage over whole societies if wielded properly.
Hegelian Dialectic Example
One well known example of a Hegelian Dialectic would be the World Trade Center attacks on Sept 11, 2001. Here, clandestine US personnel run a false-flag operation that has targeted 3 of the TWC towers and the Pentagon. The plan was to hijack 4 planes to hit each of the 4 targets. However, one plane never reached its target. Allegedly, there was a struggle with the terrorists and the civilians on the plane, causing it to crash, killing all occupants. The target was WTC tower 7. Interestingly enough, Tower 7 was still destroyed anyway, which concludes one to think that all the towers would've came down regardless of if they were struck by any planes or not...
After such horrific events, the populace of the USA was outraged and ready to go to war. This is the magic of the Hegelian Dialectic. US citizens would have never approved a war with Iraq, but in light of this devastation, the emotional public outrage at the time was easily redirected towards dictator Saddam Hussein's Iraqi regime.
Not only was the outcome of all this the removal and death of Saddam and his regime, the destabilization of an entire region, the complete control of the vast oil and resources of that economy, and yet another strategic foothold for US military interests internationally (to mention just a few)..., but back in the USA, this event also led to new legislature and the passing of laws that further reduce civil liberties and undermine the Constitution of the US, as well as shell-shocking the public into a permanent state of fear and disdain for terrorism.
All of this simply translates into more power and control over the populace. The true terrorists are those of state. The very idea of terrorism and terrorists in general, are always preceded by the goals of the state.
Terrorism is a Hegelian Dialectic. This is how your very government controls your emotions. If one can control or influence another person's emotions first, then predicting how they respond becomes effortless, and if you know how a person will respond, then you can strategically manipulate them with much certainty.