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DISCLAIMER: We here at HARDnFAST TRUTH do not support either HRC or DJT. As such, this article is not written in bias, and it is nothing more than a mosaic of scandals and crimes that Hillary has been, or is still directly involved with.

While we do not believe the election is legitimate (which is an entirely different topic), it is important for the Americans that are planning on voting to understand just where they are putting their faith, should they be in preparing to choose Hillary.


Is Hillary Clinton a cold-blooded criminal? Has she committed treason? Did she and "husband" Bill order the silence and even murder of dozens of opposers? Is she a pathological liar? Is she physically unfit to even run for office? Did she have an affair with long time Clinton family associate Vince Foster during her time as First Lady? Is she tyrannical, unethical and an immoral sociopath? Is she lying about all of this?

YES, absolutely, yessss all the way!

If you just rolled your eyes and scoffed at such a statement, I get it, but it's more than likely proof that you haven't been doing your homework... Actually, not only have you not done your homework, but you might also be prone to fits of denial. Are we trying to insult your intelligence by saying this, negative Ghost Rider, holding pattern is full!

If you haven't heard about even one of Hillary's scandals or lies, you might just be living under a rock somewhere deep beneath the ocean.

"If you haven't heard about even one of Hillary's scandals or lies, you might just be living under a rock somewhere deep beneath the ocean."

Point is, there is so much damning information about Hillary Clinton freely circulating literally everywhere, that to not know how malevolently baleful this venomous lady is, is to be ignorant, brainwashed, in denial, or a combination of all 3.

Rap Sheet

To get started, let us first begin with the corrupt scandals that Hillary Clinton has been directly involved with.

The following list is in no way complete, as much of the knowledge of her dirty deeds has been covered up, hidden, and, in some cases, taken to the grave. Her illegal, unethical, corrupt behaviour continues to this moment. And we're not even going to get into her complicity surrounding Bill's illegal deeds, for example, the Tyson Foods scandal, or the Mena Intermountain Municipal Airport drug trafficking ring, as these appear to be more of "a Bill thing."



(1992) "TRUTH SQUAD"


(1993) "FILEGATE"



(1996) "CHINAGATE"










(2012) "BENGHAZI"





Along with her [also] corrupt "husband" Bill Clinton, this power-couple has cheated, stolen, silenced, killed, destroyed, embezzled, bribed, lied, manipulated, harassed and raped their way to the top of the political theater. Among unfathomable crimes, they have trafficked illegal drugs, covered up rapes, influenced laws, and made billions in the process, all while harassing, silencing and killing anyone in their way, even their closest friends.

To say that Hillary is anything less than a criminal would be a horrible, disgusting error, but the truth will paint her as way worse than that. The truth will show that she has also committed many acts of manipulative treason, proving her to be an enemy of the state in the very country she seeks to preside over. Not only is she all this and worse, but her political record will show that she is also an incompetent politician.

For instance, during Bill's first term as president, she controversially oversaw the 1993 Clinton Health Care Plan. It was supposed to be an important part of the Clinton Administration's agenda, but ultimately, it became so complex and so out of touch with what the American people actually wanted, that it ended up being defeated by its own red tape and overwhelming bureaucracy.

During the 8 years while Hillary was a senator for New York, the jobless rate rose, she voted against tax cuts and many other reforms, and passed merely 3 Senate Bills. Maybe this doesn't matter much, especially in light of the other things she has done, but it means a lot when you consider this will essentially be a 3rd Clinton term, the biggest difference being that she will be in the spotlight this time, and they have plans for Bill to be a high ranking U.N. official.

Let's say, "we're just warming up."

A Brief History

Lets dig into her early history in politics.

In 1974, she was a staff attorney for the House Judiciary Committee during the Watergate scandal investigation, where she gained a reputation for being unethical and dishonest. It was rumored that she was fired because of it, though regardless of this being the case, it was quite clear the type of person she might become.

"Viewing Mrs. Clinton’s political career through a historical lens, one might think she learned more from the Watergate suspects her committee investigated than from the congressional lawyers she worked for."

- Jeffrey Scott Shapiro

Nixon would later resign, so Hillary was of no further use. Afterwards, she would move to Arkansas and eventually marry Bill a few years later.

In 1975, she was tasked with her very first criminal case, she defended Thomas Alfred Taylor, the 41-year-old man accused of raping a 12-year-old girl. In the trial, she falsely attacked the girl's character, claiming "that the complainant is emotionally unstable with a tendency to seek out older men and engage in fantasizing … [and] that she has in the past made false accusations about persons, claiming they had attacked her body.” Clinton also cited an expert in child psychology who said that “children in early adolescence tend to exaggerate or romanticize sexual experiences and that adolescents with disorganized families, such as the complainant’s, are even more prone to such behavior,” Clinton wrote in her affidavit.

To ensure a victory, she knowingly used destroyed evidence and employed other disgraceful tactics to win the case. In the end, she was able to have Taylor acquitted for rape. She negotiated a plea deal and Taylor was charged with “Unlawful Fondling of a Child Under the Age of Fourteen.” He was sentenced to one year in a county jail, with four years of probation. The child, Kathy Shelton, was raped did not receive equal justice, as she had been beaten into a coma, and so badly raped that she required surgery, and she could not have kids of her own as a result.

When asked about the case in an interview, Hillary confessed to knowing that Taylor was guilty and she even laughed about it. This helps to show Hillary's character, and the lengths she was willing to go to in order to win.

"Hillary Clinton,

she'll say anything and change nothing."

- Barack Obama

(Excerpt from a 2008 Obama Campaign Radio Ad)

Next, her and new husband Bill Clinton would use their political clout as Alabama govenor to bilk countless people of their hard earned money in a real estate scheme regarding the "Whitewater" housing development. Admittedly, the circumstances surrounding Clinton's involvement are confusing to say the least, but I believe this was intentional, as it helped to cover up the real truth. On January 26, 1996, Hillary Clinton testified before a grand jury concerning her investments in Whitewater. This was the first time in American history that a first lady had been subpoenaed to testify before a grand jury. She testified that they never borrowed any money from the bank, and denied having caused anyone to borrow money on their behalf. Over the course of the investigation, fifteen individuals—including Jim and Susan McDougal, White House counsel Webster Hubbell, and Arkansas Governor Jim Guy Tucker—were convicted of federal charges. Other than Jim McDougal, none of the convicted agreed to cooperate with the Whitewater investigators, and Bill Clinton pardoned four of them in the final hours of his presidency.

In 1992, when husband Bill was making his run for president, she formed a team known as the "truth squad", which was tasked with silencing anyone who might hurt his campaign. Here they would resort to all methods of harassment and illegal intimidation, even murder. Bill was a pervert, and Hillary would help him cover up his sex crimes. This helped keep his image clean. His sexual abuses would continue through and beyond his 8 year presidency, most likely to this day.

In 1993, they fired seven employees of the White House Travel Office. Travelgate, as it became known, was the first major ethics controversy of the Clinton administration. Here they would fire said employees simply to make room for their friends.

Also in '93', as First Lady, Hillary sought background reports from the FBI concerning several hundred people, many of which were republicans from the previous administration. This was known as "Filegate". A few years later, her meddling would also catch her directing the IRS to audit "Clinton enemies".

Who were Clinton enemies? Just about anyone they deemed a threat, whether they be Bill's rape victims, insiders who might hurt his campaign, or anyone who just wouldn't play ball with them, if they had an axe to grind with you, you might as well just say your prayers.

We all know Bill had his extra-marital affairs on the side, but so did Hillary. She was said to have been having an affair with one of Bill's lifelong friends, Vince Foster. Ultimately, to hide this relationship, they would end up having Mr. Foster murdered, though it would be officially acknowledged as a "suicide." The fact that they had Vince murdered, despite being a dear friend of the family, shows the low depths they are willing to go to in order to maintain their profiles.

In '96', she would sell top secret information and plans to the Chinese govt. in a scandal that would be known as "Chinagate." Here they sold state secrets to the Chinese government for campaign donations and financing for Clinton's reelection.

After Bill's second term, they actually looted the White House, stealing and destroying artifacts and property for their own houses. They were anything but graceful in their exit, and such hijinks would end up costing tens of thousands of taxpayer dollars.

Later on, when Hillary was running for New York Senate, she would again take illegal campaign contributions from countries and corporations seeking political favors in return. In order to embezzle the illegal funds, they created the Clinton Foundation in 2000. While The Clinton Foundation was labeled a non-profit, it was simply a proxy to launder the ill gotten cash. It is estimated that by now the foundation has secured the Clintons a fortune worth, not just millions, but billions of dollars from donors seeking political favors.

To truly know the Clintons, is to know that they are liars, and career criminals. A favorite such lie of Hillary for me would have to be her tall tale of danger as she landed at a Bosnian airport with her daughter Chelsea, in 2007. In her lie of the account, she had said "there was supposed to be some kind of a greeting ceremony at the airport, but instead

we just ran with our heads down to get into the vehicles to get to our base.” She stated that "the entire ceremony had to be moved inside" as a result of the danger. Years later, she would retract the whole story.

Secretary of State

In more recent years, as Secretary of State, she used her powers to influence and manipulate the 2010 Haitian election. Here she made stern promises to cut all aid funding to Haiti if the result was not what she recommended. It's important to note that the Clinton Foundation would directly benefit from this treachery, as they were financially invested in various infrastructure and building projects in Haiti at the time. In addition, the CF's proxy control over the Caracol gold mining operation, and illegal permits to extract one of the fledgling country's only remaining resource, simply adds up to further criminal manipulation. It's reprehensible to know that the Clintons would seek to capitalize on the Haitian people's misfortunate situation. The deplorable tactics that she is so accustomed to and willing to use, further prove to me how despicable she is. Again, just one of these facts should invalidate her candidacy.

Hillary For President?

With such a repugnant history, it's hard to believe that she actually hopes to be elected president in a country she has been so destructive to, not to mention the other countries she has significantly wounded. Hillary is a classic sociopath.

Hillary's Puppetmaster George Soros

But can she actually be elected?

If her billionaire friend, George Soros has anything to do with it, it's a more than likely, YES. And he does.

Hillary's Health

Whatever hopes Hillary has for presidency, may not pan out, as recent concerns regarding her health have reluctantly come to light, of coarse she continues to lie about this just like everything else. As it becomes more and more apparent that she is physically unfit, what with her constant standing seizures, legion on her tongue, and inability to negotiate stairs and walk distances unaided, she may be lucky just to be alive in 4 years. This alone should be enough to stop her campaign dead in it's tracks, so it's no wonder why she continues to lie about it.

Hillary Clinton's body double exiting Chelsea's apartment less than an hour after the real Hillary collapsed of pneumonia during 9/11 memorial in New York City, 2016

Recently (Sep. 11, 2016), while she was at a 9/11 memorial celebration in New York City, she fainted. Her doctors said she had overheated, however, they would later claim she had pneumonia. But is it really that simple? Nope. She is so worried about the truth of her health coming to light that she even has a body double...

If you have been following the news, countless analysts and doctors have purported that she is not just sick, but seriously ill. And there are plenty of videos and pictures that effortlessly corroborate with those findings.

Again, to reiterate, this article can only scratch the surface of the abominable deeds of Hillary Clinton. There are just so many more stories and accounts that are simply left unmentioned, that, one could spend a literal lifetime investigating in her wake.


It is the recommendation of this author, to be very cautious when dealing with Hillary and the Clinton Family. She is not physically, or mentally fit to considered for such a position as President of the United States of America. She will stoop to any level in order to get her way, and the American public should be very concerned of what travesties of this nation she will invoke, given her new found powers as Commander in Chief. She will sell our country and economy to the highest bidders, leaving the 99 percenters to pay for her crimes with blood, sweat, tears.

If you still decide to vote in November, please dig deep with your research. While your vote may have no effect on the inevitable outcome of her "winning" the election, you will at least be mentally prepared for the months to come after her inauguration. This is important, as many predict a World War will be initiated to usher in a new economic world order, aka, New World Order.


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