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Welcome fellow truth seekers!
We know you want answers and truths to the many great and important questions of our life and existence, but the "powers that be" aren't too keen on us layman learning the truth of our humanity. The reason behind all of these "conspiracies" is money, power and control. With the dumbed-down masses ignorant of the truth and indoctrinated in this inescapable reality, control is much easier to manipulate.
For the normal person out there, they will never suspect anything is wrong on such a massive scale, even when they know deep in thier hearts that some major parts of life just don't make sense and often feel immoral and plain wrong. Because of all the lies (manufactured confussion), people stray even farther from their true purpose and loves.
The indoctrination is so powerful, that when confronted with these great truths, these people laugh and ridicule such knowledge, as if it were inferior thoughts. Those expressing a waranted concern as they grow increasingly inquisitive about the reality they have been forcefully spoon fed, are usually labeled "conspiricy nuts" as if that proves them to be ignorant, stupid, primitive, while being delusional, mentally instable, highly subjective and of coarse simply crazy...all the while completely ignoring the facts and the actual reality for themselves.
Ironic? Absolutely! Those people that so blantantly deny the truth, are actually better suited to wear all those titles they try to use to condemn us with. HA, it's comical on a certain level, but the problems that stem from such are nothing of the sort. These lies we have all been born into, ultimately rob us of our humanity (If you don't believe it, just think of all the death and destruction that has come from our disagreements, a person who harms or kills another, does so ultimately without their humanity. This loss of humanity is a world wide practice.)
This is why we decided to create this community. Here, many fringe ideas will be freely talked about, discussed and learned about throughout these catalogs.
Some of the most important truths that we'll be exposing:
and much much more...
We have a relentless appetite for humor, which is often irreverent and at times crude, but we don't fucking care. You might bare witness to obscene rants and many heated disagreements, but that's all good because as an adult, you can handle it. (We don't condone forced opinions, so we will strongly discourage this type of behaviour, if and when it occurs on a case by case basis)
As for our content, we will continue adding Hard & Fast content as our production library grows. We also invite you to colaborate and share your original works through our channels as a contributor!
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