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Questions & Answers About: CHEMTRAILS

(The following questions were asked in a facebook thread)

Who is behind chemtrail spraying, and why?

The gov’t is behind this. They have said that it was to combat global warming and other weather issues as their cover. But it is truly for military purposes. With Geoengineering, they can control all aspect of the weather, like making it rain or causing droughts, they can create snow or hail to barrage objects on the ground, they can control lightning, temperature, as well as even causing earthquakes. All of this can inflict massive amounts of damage from discrete, remote locations.

Search: Weather as a Force Multiplier: Owning the Weather in 2025

Or view the document directly here

How do they avoid breathing in the same poisoned air as the rest of us?

Those who know the truth about the overall agenda, are a very limited few in comparison to the total population, trust that they are protected. They think of you and me as worker slaves, and have little regard for us otherwise, of coarse there will be technology that we’ll likely never know of to circumvent the dangers these chemicals impose to their own health. Besides, there are complete cities and transportation complexes underground, there’s basically a whole world right under your feet, it’s just you’ll never have access to it, or be permitted to know about it.

For the poor schmucks that are unaware of what they are helping to accomplish, which is the majority of people, they are victim just as much as the rest of us. Yes, we are all being affected. Just think Ebola, HIV, ZIKA, these are all part of a sick agenda that you’re too uncomfortable to perceive.

Search: Ebola Hoax, HIV Hoax, Zika Hoax

Why are there clouds on some days, but not others? What changed?

Very simple, it’s the weather, air moisture and temperature all play a part, the colder and wetter the air, the more clouds. As it pertains to contrails, they are formed as the water in the jet exhaust mixes with moist, cold air. This cold air quickly condenses, then freezes into visible ice crystals.

Here’s a link that explains contrail science (don’t worry, it’s an anti-chemtrail publication)

Why, when I look up, so I see clouds in one direction, and no clouds in another? Is it not all the same air?

I think my previous answer effectively answers this…

If the government is trying to hide this from us, why do they spray on clear days when we can see them? Why not spray on overcast days, or at night?

There are many reasons that they would do this at certain points in the day, but the easiest answer I can give is that the gov’t simply doesn’t care. What are YOU going to do if you find any of this out? Nothing, except maybe be ridiculed and called a “derp” when you voice your concerns. Your gov’t does not care about you, you are replaceable, your views and opinions don’t matter, you are cattle.

How is the spray targeted? It seems really difficult to release an aerosol at 30,000 ft, and have it fall through various layers of air masses travelling at different speeds in different directions, and hit a target on the ground?

If you’ve ever properly seasoned a piece of meat, you know that you always sprinkle salt from as far away from the meat as you salt it so as to season entirely even. The same applies here, except replace “meat” for “you and everything you hold dear”, and instead of “salt”, we’ll just call it “chemicals”. Chemical spraying has multiple uses, some to affect things on the surface, others to affect the atmosphere (and there are other uses). In any case, these chemicals have been specifically designed for maximum dispersal. The farther they reach, the more damage they’ll inflict. The primary goal is to affect as much as possible, not target small areas.

Cook the perfect steak

Why do crop dusters fly so low?

This question is irrelevant, yet I’ll answer it anyway…

Crop dusters fly low so that they can better target specific crops. Each field of crops might require different things sprayed on it. Obviously, the farmer doesn’t want pesticides to affect the areas surrounding those crops. Targeting also prevents waste, saving money, etc…

This shouldn’t need explanation. Crop dusting is not chemtrailing. So this question is not relevant.

Crop dusting video (this video proves nothing, except how super awesome crop dusting actually is)

Thanks for your questions. Sorry for the delay, which I blame in part on the epic gish galloping that this thread has gone thru. I also realize these questions were mostly rhetorical, but since there are legitimate viewers here, I’ll play along for their sake.


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