Official(?) Document Outlines Martial Law Preperations

I know many of my friends think I'm a conspiracy nut, but if this document does not corroborate with what I have been saying for over a year now, then go ahead and call me nuts. This is not here-say, this is a legitimate, official US document. This document is a schedule for active military personnel which briefly outlines the coming preparation of Martial Law. If you still want to deny the validity of what I've been saying, then you are truly stubborn, and willfully ignorant. Do people really think that people that diligently research are actually in love with conspiracy theories, like this is some sick form of entertainment? Hell no! Literally, and with much reluctance, the only reason why I'm even involved in these subjects is because the circumstantial evidence is overwhelming. I've tried to debunk some of these big conspiracies, but failed. Learning the truth that is hidden in plain sight changes a person. No longer can you ignore this shit, unless you are mentally asleep, brainwashed, or just too scared to face the facts. Either way, it does not serve you in any significantly.
Is this part of Jade Helm, does it even matter? If you are active in the military, please, for the sake of your friends and family, and human right to freedom, please take note of this. Our gov't (military command), has been hijacked by corporate greed. You must question, and even refuse, any order you receive that goes against your principles, your better judgements, or denies human rights in any way. Remember that you enlisted to protect, not destroy. Any orders that oppose the Constitution and/or Bill of Rights is an illegal act. Participation in such will be considered treason to whoever willfully engages, even under direct orders from superior offices. You do not have to be part of this, it is your willful choice.
Be extra vigilant friends and spread this message as far as it'll reach!!!