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Pictures of a Flat Horizon: PROOF OF FLAT EARTH

Do you notice any curve on the horizon? No, because there isn't any.

Mainstream science tells us that the Earth is a sphere with a circumference of about 25,000 miles in diameter and rotates once a day on it's axis at a speed of about 1,100 mph (near the equator), it sits at a distance of nearly 94 million miles away from the sun as it progresses around it in an elliptical orbit that takes one year, traveling roughly 584 million miles during that process. Earth itself is said to have a curvature equivalent to about 8 inches per mile². For example, if you look at any given point off in the distance that is say 10 miles away, it should be 66.6 feet below the horizon, 100 miles would equal 6,666.6 feet below the horizon, and just 1 mile would equal .666 feet below the horizon. (It's interesting that the secret society which is blamed for the spherical earth hoax, also covets symbolic numbers like 666, 23, 33, etc... I wouldn't consider this a coincidence.)

Now, after knowing this information, does what you see and feel make sense? Look at this picture. It shows us two major discrepancies, the first of which is the flat horizon. If you notice, there is no curve visible, no bulge, just flat water as far as the eye can see. This would have to make sense because water always levels off, since there isn't any bulge of water, we can conclude that the Earth's surface would not be curved.

The next point is that of the sun. If you follow the pattern that the sun's rays make, you can see that it is fanning and tapering out as it extends towards the surface. You may not think much of this at first, until you remember just how far away the sun is supposed to be, a whopping 94 million miles away. If the sun was truly at this distance, the light rays would all be parallel to each other. See, the distance should be so vast, and the sun so big, that the entirety of Earth's sun facing surface would be completely illuminated by just one of those rays of light.

This picture allows you to draw your own conclusions, if you're being honest with the data. If however you prefer to live within the confines of this lie we've been forced to accept, then it just looks like another pretty landscape picture.

All we're saying is that this assumes reasonable doubt, and as long as there is questionable science behind what we can see with our very own eyes, we must admit that the spherical earth model is not as infallible as we are told. That alone should inspire your own questions and research.


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